Baby Gator Summer Camp

Are you looking for a Fun and Educational Summer Program for your child?

Look no Further…
It’s Time for Baby Gator Summer Camp 2015: Nature Gone Wild!

Camp Details:
Who: Children who have completed VPK, Kindergarten, or 1st Grade
What: Fieldtrips, Campus Walks, Educational Presentations, Activities, Arts & Crafts, Swim Lessons (additional fee), and much, much, more! Breakfast and snack included (parents must provide lunch).
When: June 8th – August 14th
Where: Keys Apartments, University of Florida Campus
Cost: Tuition is $140.00 for student families and $185 for staff, faculty and community families per week

Please see the Baby Gator website: to register your child.

If you have any questions about Baby Gator’s Summer Camp please contact Nika Lorenz at